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E.coli SS320

Details and Advantages
Applications: phage display system
概述 >

The E. coli strain SS320 is a non-amber suppressor strain (sometimes called MC1061F′) prepared as high transformation efficiency (≥ 1 × 109 cfu/μg) chemically competent cells for phage display library screening. The SS320 strain harbors an episome that contains the F′ pilus that is required for bacteriophage entry to allow amplification of phage libraries. This episome also contains the tetracycline resistance gene, so cells should be grown in the presence of tetracycline to maintain the F′ pilus.   E. coli strain SS320 are suitable for protein expression, general cloning, blue/white screening, M13 phage work and phage display protein expression.


Strains Resistance    Tet

Culture Medium       LB

Condition                37℃ ,under the aerobic conditions

The E. coli strain SS320 is a non-amber suppressor strain (sometimes called MC1061F′) prepared as high transformation efficiency (≥ 1 × 109 cfu/μg) chemically competent cells for phage display library screening. The SS320 strain harbors an episome that contains the F′ pilus that is required for bacteriophage entry to allow amplification of phage libraries. This episome also contains the tetracycline resistance gene, so cells should be grown in the presence of tetracycline to maintain the F′ pilus.   E. coli strain SS320 are suitable for protein expression, general cloning, blue/white screening, M13 phage work and phage display protein expression.


hsdR mcrB araD139 Δ(araABC-leu)7679ΔlacX74 galUgalK rpsL thi[F´ proAB+lacIqlacZΔM15 Tn10 (tetr)]